

Date: 3/7/2017

Title: RENEWAL – Part 1

By Jennifer Erickson

March is the month when spring begins! This is one of the best times of the year! Everything seems to come alive again….after a long, long nap. Things seem possible. Even that idea that bogged you down in December, now suddenly seems possible. Almost as though you can touch it.

Spring also seems to be the season associated with housecleaning. Deep, deep housecleaning. How these two ever got coupled, I’ll never know. Maybe it’s because we can throw open the windows of our houses and breathe in real air…..not air that’s been manufactured and re-circulated throughout the same rooms in our homes.

Spring is also a time linked with tossing out, or donating, old things. Things we no longer need….or want. Whether it is because it no longer fits (tiny gremlins get in our closets over the winter and switch our pants and shirts for ones with smaller sizes) or because we hold it in our hand with a puzzled look on our faces and say, “What in the world was I thinking when I bought/accepted this?”

As a leader, how do you make yourself come alive again? Are you feeling tired from trying the same ways to motivate your team…or yourself? Are you sure all the great ideas have dried up?

Then, it’s time for renewal.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.