How To Hire Producers Not Pretenders
As an organization grows, the need to align talent with the right position within it becomes more important than ever. To have the ability to properly align talent with the career opportunities within your company, it is imperative that you have a way to identify talent from within as well as outside the organization. This will be accomplished by taking your current hiring process and handling of employees to the next level by bridging the gap between the established job description and a successful hire.
With the program, we will define areas of focus within your company with regards to the hiring of employees. Customized documents and processes will be created for both internal and external candidates. Our recruitment system is designed for companies who want the benefits of our How to Hire Producers Recruitment System but want the Results Group to customize it to their specific needs.
In order to sustain growth, the right personnel will be needed for open positions. With this said, a recruitment system needs to be designed and implemented to ensure that each hire is the right fit not only for the company, but also for the position. Different factors such as company culture, current leadership style, expectations, compensation, accountabilities, marketplace factors, competitive pressures, etc. are taken into account when identifying the right players needed for your company to win. We look at employees in two categories, Performing Assets (Producers) and those that are Unproven Liabilities.
The Hire Performers not Pretenders program is a process and a system that The Results Group customizes and “installs” into organizations. This includes training and shadowing on the program. The basic elements of the system will be taught and demonstrated over the course of initial kick off day with your team. This can take place in person or as a webinar. This provides a foundation whereby you will walk away with the initial documentation and information to improve skills to be able to attract, screen, interview, orient, ramp up and support top performers. A bi-product of this program typically is a new found understanding of how to work with existing producers. Additional training and support on the system is provided throughout the year in various forms of training, shadowing, webinars and tele-conferences.
The training and coaching portion of this program will include but is not limited to:
- A complete understanding of the strategy and tactics needed to attract and retain top performers
- Coaching on recruitment system to integrate into your company for one year
- Review of the How, Why and What of each position and how it affects your organization
- How to create position benchmarks
- The elements needed for each position and how they affect performance
- Identifying the major blind spots that prevent consistent performance per position
- How to conduct a phone interview including shadowing on live phone interviews
- How and when to conduct an in person interview
- Calculating ramp up time for your organization
- Debriefing and coaching on assessments as hiring, orientation, coaching and development
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