

Date: 6/11/2015


By Jill Olson

We can only be authentic to that which we know….internally. The knowledge has to come from us. This is not about asking others what they think we are good at, then building our world around that. It is about self-knowledge we gain through introspection. We come to know our masters areas and blind spots through self-awareness. How much attention do you pay to what makes you happy? What are those things you do well, without making much effort at it?

Take some time to write down two things you do well, without having to think about doing them. It just flows for you. Maybe it is “understanding people” or “being able to see the big picture”, when everyone else is mired down in the details. Maybe it is “being able to quickly figure out how to solve a problem”.

Now write down two things that really drive you….motivate you. Maybe it is to “help others” or “to learn” or “to always be efficient with my actions and time”.

How much of these natural talents and motivators show up in your daily work requirements? Really take a hard look at this and find the matches (or lack of them). Creating a work setting where outcomes depend on your being in your masters area and being driven by your motivators will increase satisfaction, happiness, and success.

You can use the knowledge you gained from the writing exercise to ensure you are working in your natural thinking talents, and not from your blind spots. You can ensure you are working in a setting that feeds your motivators. Talk with co-workers and leaders to make sure this happens. Using your self-awareness to structure an environment where you can be authentic to your natural talents and motivators will bring you success and happiness. It will certainly give you a different way to look at them!

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.