Clarify Your Vision

The difference between success, average results and failure is often determined by one’s level of emotional intelligence. In previous seminars we have focused on how to act with integrity and exercise responsibility, all components on the pathway to success. Another key component of this journey is YOUR vision. Ken Blanchard says (just a little tongue in cheek) that without the “vision thing”, you’ll never be a world class organization. Just as successful organizations have visions, so should you. Vision consists of three parts: clarify, value and faith. Vision is the power to transcend “what is” – to bring into existence what does not exist now.

In this seminar, participants will learn:

  • Understand the meaning and power of vision
  • Learn the four attitudes and paradigms towards vision
  • Clarify your personal vision
  • Know what you want and be clear about where you are going
  • Evaluate the thoughts that keep you from living your vision
  • Understand the internal rather than external obstacles that keep you from realizing your vision
  • Set goals to achieve your vision

Participants will have learned skills and lessons to take back to their own workplace. We have applied for 2.5 hours of strategic recertification credit for this workshop.

Course Information

Clarify Your Vision
Genius Leadership 102 Workshop Series
Johnston, IA
8:30 - 12:00


Jennifer Erickson

Jill Olson


Genius Leadership 102 Workshop Series

Leadership Training & Development

Complete the form below for registration details.