The Trust Imperative

Trust is one of the hardest things to earn and the easiest to lose and the lack of it hurts organizational communication every day. This session focuses on principles and practices of trust to gain interpersonal communication that ultimately results in win-win relationships.

In this seminar, participants will learn:

  • To understand the core elements of trust and how to build trust by being trustworthy
  • Identifying your weakening collusive patters of relating to others
  • Viewing others in a way to promotes unity, trust and goodwill
  • Learning the four styles of communicating and influencing others
  • Understand the three phases of interpersonal dialogue
  • Practicing dialog skills
  • Developing the ability to confront poor performance and behavior problems
  • Learning how to interact with others in ways that strengthen

Course Information

The Trust Imperative
Genius Leadership 102 Workshop Series
Johnston, IA
8:30 - 12:00


Jennifer Erickson

Jill Olson


Genius Leadership 102 Workshop Series

Leadership Training & Development

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