Conflict Resolution

The road to a win-win situation in the workplace is conflict resolution. Conflict can generally be described as a situation in which those involved in a difference of opinion are no longer willing or able to consider others’ views and alternatives, thereby setting up a win/lose confrontation.

In this seminar, participants will learn:

  • A definition of “unhealthy conflict” and how to keep from crossing over into it
  • Learn about five different conflict management styles
  • Use a model to help you choose how to respond to potential conflict situations
  • Assess which conflict styles you most often use
  • Practice a Three-Step Model for resolving conflicts
  • How to modify a conflict style and how to better handle current conflicts in their workplace
  • How to help employees better understand and manage conflict within their teams

Participants will have learned skills and lessons to take back to their own workplace. We have applied for 2.5 hours of strategic recertification credit for this workshop.

Course Information

Conflict Resolution
Genius Leadership 101 Workshop Series
Johnston, IA
8:30 - 12:00


Jennifer Erickson

Jill Olson


Genius Leadership 101 Workshop Series

Leadership Training & Development

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