In Daniel Goleman’s bestseller, Working with Emotional Intelligence, he shares a study on experts in 500 corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations worldwide concluding that they believed outstanding performers and business leaders are not defined by their IQ’s or even their job skills, but by their “emotional intelligence”.

One of the basic competencies of emotional intelligence is mastering personal responsibility. Self-mastery in this area allows employees to learn to live from vision and purpose rather than being reactive to circumstances.

In this seminar, participants will learn:

  • The meaning and nature of personal responsibility
  • Understand how you avoid taking responsibility for yourself
  • Assess your willingness to accept personal responsibility
  • See the choices available in your life
  • Claim ownership for the results of your choices
  • Understand the power and freedom that comes from accepting responsibility
  • Help and train others to do likewise

Participants will have learned skills and lessons to take back to their own workplace. We have applied for 2.5 hours of strategic recertification credit for this workshop.

Course Information

Exercise Responsibility
Genius Leadership 101 Workshop Series
Johnston, IA
8:30 - 12:00


Jennifer Erickson

Jill Olson


Genius Leadership 101 Workshop Series

Leadership Training & Development

Complete the form below for registration details.